Real Moms Unite

The Real Moms Unite Mission:

Real Moms Unite is a movement to foster open communication between mothers and encourage mothers to strengthen their own philosophies about motherhood, womanhood, and life, therefore supporting their own identities as human beings. In other words? Let’s stop fighting this bullshit “war” that is wasting our energy and isn’t getting us anywhere.

Why “Real Moms Unite”?

We’re all real. We’re all moms. Although we don’t all have to be friends, we can all unite against this mythological warfare that has been instigated.

How Can I Get Involved?

It’s simple. Stop using the term “Mommy Wars,” and encourage your friends, other moms, and groups of friends to do the same thing.

(Click here to read more about how the term “Mommy Wars” is creating an atmosphere of hostility among mothers.)

When you see someone use the term “Mommy Wars” in a social media post, in an article online, or in real life conversation, speak up! All you have to say is, “Real Moms Unite!” Then, paste in the URL to this page, and don’t forget to add #realmomsunite. We’re spreading the word quickly, and if we mothers stop using the term, eventually the media will too.

So for example, check out Baby Mama’s post below:

Real Moms Unite

How can I tell my friends?

Just click on the share buttons below and get your friends involved. Hasn’t it gotten ridiculous enough?