Busy Moms: How Busy Are You?

Busy Moms: How Busy Are You?

We are all so damn busy lately. When I talk to my mom on the phone, the first thing she always says to me when I ask her how she is is, “Great! I’m so busy, and I love it!” I’m the first to say it—I’m one of those busy moms too. In...
Mommy Wars – They Don’t Exist

Mommy Wars – They Don’t Exist

I’m going to say something here, and I’m sure you’re going to kind of freak out when I say it, because on the surface, it’s not really true, but you have to hear me out. Mommy wars—they don’t exist. But—but—but—you say. I hear you. I know what you’re...
How to Make Friends at the Park

How to Make Friends at the Park

{Answer: Don’t talk about poop.} I’m a mom. And while that means that I have definitely had my fair share of conversations that could be entitled “50 Shades of Poop,” I’m kind of over it. There’s only so much poop talk a mom can take! Replace poop with picky...
What Preschool Moms Really Look Like

What Preschool Moms Really Look Like

As much as other moms have made me roll my eyes with the utmost judgment and other moms’ kids have made me glad to have my own two crazies, you never know. You just never know what is going on in their worlds and their lives. While I may scowl at your tight butt in...