You are a goddess. You might disagree, that may make you feel uncomfortable, but you’re already exuding her. You’re done living in survival mode, and you’re craving connection, meaning, purpose and fulfillment. Every time that you access your wholeness in some way, you’re expressing the goddess within.

Make Your Perfect provides the space for you to discover, explore and play with your goddess self so that you can exude her in everything that you do.

~Below are the communities, circles, workshops, retreats and private UNcoaching sessions that I offer to help you make YOUR perfect.~


MYP Powerhouse Collective

MYP Powerhouse Collective (Free FB Community)

A free FB community for women to hold space for one another, and access their inner powerhouse with the support of a facilitator and sisterhood.

Find More Time in 7 Days

Find More Time in 7 Days

Free, self-directed, 7-day e-course leading you through simple steps to find more time in every day without SPENDING a lot of time or effort.

MYP Powerhouse Collective

10-Minute Challenge

You’re interested in self-improvement practices but don’t know where to start. Make space in your life to stop surviving and start thriving.

MYP Powerhouse Collective

1-on-1 UNcoaching

Immersive consultations for tapping into your creativity, pleasure and flow to unleash your FULL expression. These sessions can be as open-ended or structured as you need and desire. Together, we will experiment, discuss, confide, share and counsel, letting your brilliance exude from every pore.

Journey through chakras

Journey Through the Chakras: A 7-Week Art And Healing Exploration

Wednesdays, Jan. 16 – Feb. 27, 6-8 p.m.

Join artist Gaby Merediz and shamanic practitioner Roger Lockshier for a 7-week series as we move through the chakra system, and journal our experiences with the personal creation of original, intuitive art.

Hoop meditation

Hoop Meditation

An intentional practice using the energy of the circle to guide your mind and body into flow. Not the ferocious hula hooping of your childhood, hoop meditation fuses slow movements with dance and mindfulness to help you find your center, stretch your body and strengthen your whole self in way that feels delightfully soothing for the mind, body and spirit.