nature mindfulness quote

This is the 12 Days of Getting Your Shit Together challenge.

Why? Because it’s the holidays, and it sounds better than 12 days of actual Christmas.

No presents to buy or cookies to make or anything. Just getting your shit together before the new year.

This challenge will help you:

  • Finish this year in peace instead of complete overwhelm and guilt.
  • Move into the new year feeling balanced.
  • Maybe even make a New Year’s resolution or set an intention that you’ll stick with.

This challenge doesn’t involve doing more. If you’re hesitant to do it because you have so much on your plate, don’t be. This will take some of that overwhelm off your plate.

Let’s Talk Planning, Shall We?

Most people fall into 3 categories: Planners, semi-organized people and total chaos. There’s something in the total chaos people that makes them wish they were more organized. There’s something in the planners that makes them wish they could be more spontaneous. And the semi-organized people are really all over the place.

Whatever category you fall into, we’re going to reshape that before the new year. Because here’s the problem:

If you’re a hard-core planner, you feel anxious without planning, but get real: you don’t ever do everything you plan to do. So you feel guilty about that. It’s not healthy, but you don’t know how to survive without planning.

If you’re a semi-organized person, you go back and forth between being a good planner and feeling like your life is total chaos. You never feel balanced, and your head is always spinning.

If you’re total chaos, you tell yourself that you love the spontaneity of your life. In reality, you often feel like you just can’t get a grip. But planning–in the traditional sense–isn’t for you. You’ve tried. You’ve failed.

No matter which category you fall into,

You have the wrong idea about planning.

What Planning is Not:

  • Planning is not going to magically balance your life.
  • Planning is not a productive way to relieve anxiety.
  • Planning is not a way to motivate yourself to get everything done.
  • Planning is not a way to make grand changes in your life.

What Planning Is:

  • Planning is a way to add detail to the decisions you commit to every day.
  • Planning is a way to improve communication in your relationships.
  • Planning is a way to empower yourself once you have a clear awareness of the status quo.

Go Into The New Year With Balance

When new year hits, almost everyone has a mission to be more organized in some way. This often involves planning, the way you envision it: putting much more on your plate than you need.

Planning isn’t going to change your life. It’s not even really helpful if you don’t have your shit together. Planning is not going to help you get your shit together.

So in the next 12 days leading up to the new year, I’m going to help you get your shit together. Trust me; this does not involve adding more to your plate.

As scary as it may be, this actually involves doing less planning—the way you know it up to now—so that you can start with a clean, more balanced slate at the new year.

Are you in?

Just come back to the blog every day for the next 12 days. We’ll post something new about getting your shit together.

Get an exclusive chance to join other moms going through the challenge.

Take the quiz below to find out if you have your shit together, and you’ll get the link to join the group. It’s free!

After you take the quiz, move on to:
12 Days of Getting Your Shit Together – Day 2